Portfolio Setup


Create Portfolio Pages

H-Code provides options to create unlimited portfolio pages with options like portfolio type (Grid, Grid Gutter, Grid With Title, Wide, Wide Gutter, Wide With Title, Masonry), column type (2 Columns, 3 Columns, 4 Columns, 5 Columns), categories selection, Lightbox option, filter, color, Separator, display order, style, filter style, animation etc.

Follow below steps to create a portfolio page.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Pages > Add New Page.
  2. Enter page title and click on “+ Add Element”, If you are not able to see “+ Add Element” then click on “Backend Editor” with WPBakery Page Builder option.
    • create-portfolio-pages
  3. Click on “Portfolio” Shortcode as shown in below image.
    • shortcode-options
  4. Set portfolio type, column type, assign categories, settings, display item order, style, filter style, animation and add extra id or class as you needed.
    • portfolio-settings
  5. Click on “Save changes” and check preview of new portfolio page.

Create Portfolio Posts

H-Code provides options to create unlimited portfolio posts.

Follow below steps to create a portfolio post.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Portfolio > Add New.
  2. Enter title, Description, Assign Categories, Set featured image and you can also manage portfolio format and settings.
    • create-portfolio-pos-01
  3. Click on “Publish” button and check it in portfolio page.